Education Department | School of Social Sciences Theses and Dissertations | Ateneo de Manila University


Theses/Dissertations from 2021

Construction and Articulation of Quality in Philippine Higher Education Policy and in State Universities and Colleges, Kit DG Pabiona

Inclusive Education in Regular Private Education: An Exploratory Study, Jenica Renee See

Enhancing School Readiness of a Private Basic Education School in Metro Manila for Professional Learning Communities, Roldann Tabayoyong

Theses/Dissertations from 2020

A Description of the Dimensions of Work-based Learning and the Characteristics of a Connective Model of A Work Immersion Program in Senior High School, Ma. Theresa Carlos

College and Career Readiness and Academic Achievement of Public Senior High School Students Across the Academic Strands, Raquel Mandia

The Implementation of Indigenous Peoples Education Program in the Ayta Magbukun Tribe of Bataan, Philippines, Richard Montaner

Emotional Intelligence, Discipline and Academic Achievement of High School Students: Comparison of Archival and Current Profiles, Cielo Rio Orense

The Use of a Student Handbook in Fostering A Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: A Case Study in a Public Junior High School, Elaine Grace Quinto

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Relationship between teacher appraisal of classroom resources and demands and job satisfaction : implications for administrative support for early childhood educators, JAN ROCHELLE S. DEL CASTILLO


Exploring the use of artful thinking in teaching history : a case study, ALIANA GRACE GIMENA

Exploring the Use of Artful Thinking in Teaching History: A Case Study, Aliana Grace Gimena

Metacognition and Student Achievement in Mathematical Problem Solving, Arnold Janssen Ong

Reader Self-Efficacy in Relation to the Reading Comprehension of Students with Special Nedds in an Inclusive Education Setting, Diana France Quinto

Inclusive Education: Teaching Efficacy and Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns of Filipino Elementary School Teachers Towards Diverse Learners, Jean Carla Reyes

The Role of a Children's Museum in Supplementing the Early Grade Curriculum: An Exploratory Case Study, Maria Sofia Amparo Santiago

Reading Engagement, Reading Motivation, and Use of Reading Strategies of Junior High School Students, Ma. Agnes Surop

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Worklife and burnout-engagement across the different career stages of elementary school teachers, DOMINIQUE FELIZE N. DE GUZMAN


Gender roles in young adult novels and implications for teaching practice, MIRASOL JADE GABOR


College choice factors and individual characteristics of Senior High School students and their implications for institutional policy and decision-making, LAURICE FAYE JUAREZ


Intrinsic motivation, academic engagement and academic achievement of senior high school students in a government funded university in Luzon SY 2017-2018, SHIELA S. MARANAN

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


Personality traits and vocational preferences of Junior High School students, MARIA JOANNA FRANCESCA CASTRO


The Psychometric properties of test items in a Junior High School mathematics entrance-placement examination : implications for test item banking, RIA BETH CUEVAS


An Evaluation of services for Children with Special Needs (CSN) : towards the formation of enhanced Academic Behavior Assistance Program (ABAP), ZIMRI MARIE ESPALDON


Teacher efficacy, sense of belongingness, commitment and motivation to lead across gender, Asian and Western cultural identities, MARIE AUDREY GELANO


Social learning factors that influence track decision-making of K-12 Technical-Vocational-Livelihood students : a mixed-method approach, JULIE ANNE LAROZA


Internationalization initiatives and secondary school students' global perspective, BRIAN LAWRENCE MARANA


Developmental spelling stages of Grade 4 pupils, ANGELICA ROSSINI MENDOZA

Theses/Dissertations from 2016

Stress and coping strategies as predictors of academic achievement of university athlete-scholars, TIU ANGELICA FAE

The relationship between paternal involvement and the character strengths of senior high school students, LEE FRANCIS ANDRO

Implementation of the developmental-interaction approach in a progressive school : a case study, LOPA JOSE ANDRES FRANCISCO MARTIN

Theses/Dissertations from 2015

The Relationship between 21st century leadership zones and generational attitudes in the workplace of faculty members in a private basic education school, HIPOL ARGEL

Gender identity, learner typology, and academic self expectation as correlates of science achievement, DELA PAZ JOHANNA ROSE

Levels of satisfaction and service usage of a learning commons as correlates of mathematics achievement and mathematics attitude, LUCHICO LYZA MARIE

The Effect of image creation interventions on the vocabulary achievement of elementary public school students, BLASQUILLO MARICAR

Theses/Dissertations from 2014

Paglaladlad : the self identification and disclosure of adolescents with alternative sexual orientation, MASILANG JUDY MARCIA

The weblogging activities of selected college students : a new literacy study, CLOSA KATHERINE

The relationship between school culture and cultural intelligence in an international school, ESTACIO MA. CLARISSA

Psychosocial work characteristics and demographic variables as predictors of burnout/engagement of basic education teachers, JOSE RAMONA ISABEL

A longitudinal study on the school culture of a private secondary school, AGDUMA SHARON JOHNNETTE

Epistemic responsibility in a constructivist learning environment as perceived by college students, GOH YU-MING STANLEY

Level of technology implementation in the classroom as a predictor of students' achievement in English, Math, and Science, BONGALOS YURI

Theses/Dissertations from 2013

Relationship between online social networking activities and the 21st century skills of male and female adolescents, GIMENA ALELI CARISSA

Psychological ownership as a predictor of organizational commitment among the nonfamily personnel of a family-owned university, JUAREZ ANA MARIA CONCEPCION

Resilience of male and female pre-adolescent students, KUON JEANNIE

The implementation of concept-oriented reading instruction in a grade five public elementary class : a case study, LENTEJAS KEMBELL

Relationship between grammatical and discourse competence in English of High School English, Science, Mathematics teachers, DURANTE PRINCESS GERBIE

Comparison of the performance of supervision in two "sister schools" as perceived by the academic administrators and teachers, HARTMANN ROSALIE

Theses/Dissertations from 2012

Internal-external locus of control as predictor of academic achievement in english and mathematics of elementary school pupils, LEUTERIO CHRISTINE JOY

Comparison of the perceptions of the leadership practices of the Academic and Personal Formation Council (APFC) and the school staff : implications for designing a leadership program, ALTONAGA ENRICO ARIEL

Relationship between the perceptions of teachers of the leadership style of the principals and their own job satisfaction in three selected national high schools in Rodriguez, Rizal in school year 2005-2006 : implications for the leadership style of, MARCELO ERICSON

The Angelicum system of education : a case study, BILOG JOHN GABRIEL

A comparison of the reading achievement profiles of shadow education and independent learners, JAVIER MARIE FRANCES

A comparison of the perceived social support of the Lingap Scholars and regular students of De La Salle Canlubang : implications for a social support program, CORTEZ ROMINA GRACIA

Theses/Dissertations from 2011

Relationship between classroom social environment and motivation to learn in mathematics of high school students of Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag, CRUZ ALEXANDER

A comparison of the reading and math performance of Aral Kalinga (AK) and Non-Aral Kalinga students : implications for Aral Kalinga program improvement, ESGUERRA BARBARA

Volitional control strategies as correlates of procrastination among fine arts students, BUQUID MARIA AGNES

Relationship between the organizational health of a school and the work motivation of its teachers : implications for the administrative development program, MICHAEL MARIA CECILIA

Comparison of perceptions of the Canossian school system in three Canossian schools, DESAMERO MARIDEL

The perceived levels of stress and coping strategies of college students, BANZUELO REMILINDA

Relationship between school support of teacher leadership and organizational climate of a public secondary school : implications for designing a teacher leadership program, CACNIO RESURRECCION

Beliefs as predictors of burnout and work engagement among university faculty members, LU STEPHANIE ANNE

Theses/Dissertations from 2010

Perceptions of the support staff of the International School Manila regarding Herzberg's motivation and hygiene factors, MAPUA LISA MICHELLE POSTE

The affective states and learning profiles of students when using an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for algebra, LAGUD MARIA CARMINDA