"Worklife and burnout-engagement across the different career stages of " by DOMINIQUE FELIZE N. DE GUZMAN

Worklife and burnout-engagement across the different career stages of elementary school teachers

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education, major in Educational Administration



First Advisor

Soto, Cornelia C., Ph.D.


This study aimed to identify the levels of burnout-engagement, worklife profile, and career stages of 90 elementary school teachers in a private school in Quezon City. The following instruments were used to gather data for the study: Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES), Areas of Worklife Survey (AWLS), and Revised Researcher-Modified Teacher Career Cycle Inventory (Revised Researcher-Modified TCCI). It also sought to determine the relationship between the burnout-engagement levels, worklife profiles, and career stages through the PearsonProduct Moment Correlation and Chi-square. According to the data of the study, the respondents experienced a moderate degree of burnout-engagement as they obtained moderate scores for emotional exhaustion (EE) and personal accomplishment (PA), while they got a low score for depersonalization (DP). For the areas of worklife, the respondents indicated that they perceived neither a match ora mismatch for all the areas. For the career stages, majority of the population belonged to the stages of competency building and enthusiastic and growing. Based on the findings of the study, it was found that there is no relationship between the levels of burnout-engagement and worklife profile, with the exception of the following: EE and the areas of workload, control, reward, fairness, and values; DP and the areas of fairness and values; PA and the area of values. There is no relationship between the career stages and burnout-engagement levels, except for the competency building and enthusiastic and growing stages with EE. This study also concludes that there is no relationship between the career stages and the areas of worklife, except for the competency building and enthusiastic and growing stages with the areas of control and values.


The E3.D4283 2018
