Construction and Articulation of Quality in Philippine Higher Education Policy and in State Universities and Colleges

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education, major in Educational Administration



First Advisor

Alejo, Maria Resurreccion P. Ph.D.


As a concept, quality is as dynamic as the Philippine higher education landscape. Along with the developments and innovations produced by Philippine policy-making bodies and higher education institution (HEI) education administrators comes the evolution and gradation of how this concept is communicated in policy. This qualitative study aimed to answer how quality was discursively constructed and articulated in higher education policies at the national and state university and college’s (SUCs) level, the discourse where quality exists in these policies, its similarities and differences, the socio-political and ideological implications of these discourses, and quality as a concept in the context of Philippine higher education policy. Literature review was conducted to support the cause and direction for the conduct of this study. It used the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) model by Fairclough (1992) and the synthesis model of quality by Schindler, Puls-Elvidge, Welzant, and Crawford (2015) to answer the said questions. The CDA model implemented various analyses in three dimensions: textual practice, discursive practice, and social practice. The synthesized quality model utilized thematic analysis to provide the working model of quality in the said policies to supplement analysis at the text level. Results of the study showed that quality was articulated and constructed in various ways with unique indicators when examined per source of extract. It also showed that when synthesized, discourses on quality at the national and SUCs level vary in its construction and articulation of the transformational aspect of quality.

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