Reader Self-Efficacy in Relation to the Reading Comprehension of Students with Special Nedds in an Inclusive Education Setting

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education, major in Reading Education



First Advisor

Ma. Monica L. Moreno, PhD


This study explored the relationship between the dimensions of reader self- efficacy and the reading comprehension of students with special needs in an inclusive education setting. In this study, the Reader Self-Perception Scale (Henk & Melnick, 1995) and the Informal Reading Inventory from McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders Program were administered to 22 Grades 4-6 students under the Center for Individualized Academic Programs (CIAP) Department. Results of the descriptive statistics and Spearman Correlation coefficient found no significant relationship between the factors of reader self-efficacy and reading comprehension. Although the results were not significant, a moderately positive correlation was seen at a significance level of 0.05 between reading comprehension and Progress (r = .42, p <0 .06). This implies that further studies regarding the relationship between reader self- efficacy and reading comprehension may be necessary due to varying results.

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