"Social learning factors that influence track decision-making of K-12 T" by JULIE ANNE LAROZA

Social learning factors that influence track decision-making of K-12 Technical-Vocational-Livelihood students : a mixed-method approach

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Edcuation, major in Guidance and Counseling



First Advisor

Escarez, Socorro Perpetual E., M.A. RGC


This study used a mixed-method approach to examine the factors that influencetrack decision-making of technical-vocational-livelihood (TVL) students. The studyexplored the predictive influence of the social learning factors of career preference (i.e.genetic endowment, environmental conditions and events, learning experience, and taskapproach skills) from Krumboltzs theoretical framework and sub-factors culled fromrelated literature using both quantitative and qualitative methods. A total of 225 Grade 11TVL students responded to a researcher-made survey, and 15 students participated in afocus group discussion. Findings suggest that among the factors, environmental factorssuch as social influences and job-related aspects, as well as personal factors such aspersonal characteristics, interest, aptitude and experiences, were considered by thestudents when selecting a track for senior high school. The findings and discussion ofanalyses were organized using the same framework from Krumboltzs theory.


The E3.L377 2017
