Submissions from 2024
Beyond Borders: Towards a Theology of ‘Synodality’, Rica Delos Reyes Ancheta
Metaverse: Making Our World a Better Place, Jonathan James O. Canete
Indigenization as Appropriation (What Being Baptized Could Have Meant for the Natives of Cebu in 1521), Pablo Virgilio S. David and Maricel S. Ibita
A Mystical-Political Pledge: The Nexus of the Nazareno Devotion and Politics, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
Biblical Ecological Trauma Hermeneutics in a Post-Haiyan Context, Ma Marilou S. Ibita and Ma Maricel S. Ibita
Food Insecurity & Gendered Vulnerability – Sarai/Sarah and Rebekah in Genesis, Maricel S. Ibita
Considerations for a Comprehensive Sex Education Grounded in Catholic Social Thought for Reproductive Justice in the Philippines, Stephanie Ann Yu Puen
Using Catholic Social Thought and the Normativity of the Future in Responding to the Super Wicked Problem of Climate Change, Stephanie Ann Yu Puen
Theologizing on Artificial Intelligence in Elderly Care, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda
Lumen Gentium and Catholic Bioethics, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
Is Artificial Intelligence Capable of Love through Self-Sacrifice?, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III and Raymond B. Aguas
The Kingdom of God in Selected Christian Living Education Modules Viewed through Jesus of Nazareth’s Vision of the Reign of God, Romela D. Sanga and Ferdinand D. Dagmang
Submissions from 2023
A Consistent Ethic of Life for Philippine Church Leadership, Anatoly Angelo R. Aseneta
Foundations and Principles of a Reframed Consistent Ethic of Life, Anatoly Angelo R. Aseneta
Rethinking the Panata to the Nazareno of Quiapo, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
#Choosetochallenge: Covid-19, Community Research, and the Canaanite Woman, Ma. Marilou S. Ibita and Maricel S. Ibita
Los Márgenes Como Fronteras: Teologización Poscolonial Sobre La Recuperación Feminista Sostenible Después Del Covid-19 (The Margins as Frontiers: Postcolonial Theologizing on Post-COVID-19 Sustainable Feminist Recovery), Maricel S. Ibita and Marilou Ibita
Design Thinking in the Catholic Church’s Organizational Structures: Responding to the Wicked Problem of the Sex Abuse Crisis, Stephanie Ann Yu Puen
Women’s Needs vs Economic Survival During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Navigating This Tension Using Care and Justice, Stephanie Ann Yu Puen and Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez
Difficult Texts: Pronouns for God in Genesis 1.26, Exodus 20.2 and Isaiah 41.4–21, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
Embryo Reception and Maternal Identity, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
Embryo Selection in the Context of In Vitro Fertilization, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
A Hopeful Gamble: Living the Faith as Migrant Workers and Transnational Mothers, Ma. Adeinev M. Reyes-Espiritu
Homemaking in and with Migrant Churches as Communities of Care, Ma. Adeinev M. Reyes-Espiritu
Submissions from 2022
The Ties that Unbind: Filipino Female Transmigration and the Left-Behind Family as Domestic Church of the Poor through the Lens of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences, Maria Elisa A. Borja
Operationalizing the Vision of Catholic Social Thought Using Change Management, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
A Catholic Moral Appraisal of In Vitro Gametogenesis, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
An Overview of the Embryo Adoption Debate, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
A Reply to Gerard Loughlin’s ‘Catholic Homophobia’, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
Teaching Catholic Social Thought Online in the Philippines: From a Challenge to an Opportunity, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
Caregivers Need Care, Too: Conceptualising Spiritual Care for Migrant Caregivers-Transnational Mothers, Ma. Adeinev M. Reyes-Espiritu
Economics and Catholic Social Teaching: A Pedagogy of Navigating Rationality, Self-Interest, Altruism, and Reciprocity, Joselito T. Sescon, Philip Arnold P. Tuaño, Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez, Jaime A. Acevedo, and Stephanie Ann Yu Puen
Submissions from 2021
Filipino Christ and the Historical Jesus, Michael Demetrius H. Asis
Culture as Enabler for SDGs: Learning from Jesus of Nazareth's Vision/Mission, Ferdinand D. Dagmang
Women in the Diocese of Boac’s Basic Ecclesial Communities: Pastoral Work and Organizing, Ferdinand D. Dagmang
Assistance and Non-Assistance Before and During the Time of COVID-19, Ferdinand D. Dagmang and Nathalie D. Dagmang
A Vehicle for Mystical-Political Praxis? Discerning Popular Piety with Edward Schillebeeckx, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
COVID-19 Response, NICE and Community Participation in the Philippines, Ma. Marilou S. Ibita and Maricel S. Ibita
The World and God’s Word: of COVID-19, VUCA World, and Visions for the Future, Maricel S. Ibita
Catholic Social Thought and Design Thinking: Putting the Option for the Poor into Practice, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Contributions of Catholic Social Thought to Doughnut Economics to Achieve a Vision of Flourishing of Creation, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Hope and Despair in Today’s World: Avery Dulles and Filipino Youth, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Reflections from the Catholic Church, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III
Enriching Section 16 of Article II of the Philippine Constitution with the “Ecology of Daily Life” from Laudato Si’, Teofilo Giovan S. Pugeda III and Raymond B. Aguas
Submissions from 2020
Christianity in East and Southeast Asia (introduction), Francis D. Alvarez
Reframing Joseph Cardinal Bernardin’s Consistent Ethic of Life in the Light of the Crisis of Our Common Home and Pope Francis’ Integral Ecology, Anatoly Angelo R. Aseneta
The Shape of the Filipino Church to Come: A Vision of Renewal in Filipino Sacramental Worship, Michael Demetrius H. Asis
Empirically-Informed Sexual Ethics of Solidarity: Interdisciplinary Ethical Reflections on Pre- Marital Sex / Sexual Debut among the Youth, Ferdinand D. Dagmang
Society and Culture: Matrix and Schema for Character Formation, Ferdinand D. Dagmang
Mystical yet Political: A Liberative Encounter with God through Popular Piety, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
The Great Flood in Genesis 6–9: An Ecological Reading of the J and P Traditions, Maricel S. Ibita
Interdisciplinarity as a Means of Doing Theology: Jose Mario Francisco, Jr., SJ, PhD and His Writings, Ruben C. Mendoza
The Performance of the Christian Faith under a Populist President: The Case of the Philippine Church under Duterte, Ruben C. Mendoza
What If: COVID-19 in the Philippines in Light of the Catholic Social Tradition, Ruben C. Mendoza
Developments and Challenges in the Use and Interpretation of Scripture in the Study and Teaching of Christian Moral Life, Edwin B. Odulio
Should We Be Just, Loving or Both? Understanding the Relationship of Justice and Love, Edwin B. Odulio
Christianity in East and Southeast Asia, Kenneth R. Ross, Francis D. Alvarez, and Todd M. Johnson
Submissions from 2019
Amplifying Laudato Si’ With the Science of Epigenetics, Ferdinand D. Dagmang
God-Talk as a Means of Healing: A Spiritual Rebirth Through Novel Writing and Auto-Analysis, Ferdinand D. Dagmang
Educational Evaluation – Understanding the Principles and Process, Ann Higgins-D'Alessandro and Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Learn How to Weep: The Contemporary Challenge of Lament in Today's World, Maricel S. Ibita
Addressing the Anthropology of Business Ethics: Insights from Catholic Social Thought, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Women and Labor in Food Production: Insights from the Vocation of the Business Leader and the Fair Trade Movemen, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Sappia-Christ, The Rice of Life: Re-imagining Christ based on the Story of a Breastfeeding Goddess, Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez
Synod on the Youth from the Perspective of Gender Minorities in the Philippines, Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez
Submissions from 2018
A Test Case for Recent Reflections on Inspiration: How Can Psalm 137 Be Inspired, Francis D. Alvarez
Toward a Filipino Christology, Michael Demetrius H. Asis
Voices, Texts, and Contexts in Filipino Christianity, Jose Mario C. Francisco SJ
'Entlassen' aber Woraus? Lukas 4,18-19: gelesen in der "Kraft des "Höchsten", Markus Ekkehard Locker
Seeds Sown and First-Fruits: Contributions of Wisdom Figures of the Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines, Ruben C. Mendoza and Levy L. Lanaria
Engaging the "Rebels With A Cause": Challenges in the Religious Education of Young People Today, Edwin B. Odulio
Gender, Inculturation, and the Ecclesiology of Communion in the Philippine Church and Liturgy, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen and Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez
Filipino Women Still Claiming Their Space Around the Altar: Gender, Inculturation, and the Ecclesiology of Communion and Inclusion in the Philippine Church and Liturgy, Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez and Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Submissions from 2017
People's Mysticism And Political Engagement: The Prophetic Character Of The Nazareno Image, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
Science And Christian Hope: A Dialogue And Integration Of Their End-Time Narratives, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
Science And Faith Conflict: Fact Or Fiction?, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
A Shamanic Pneumatology in a Mystical Age of Sacred Sustainability: The Spirit of the Sacred Earth, Jojo M. Fung
“I Am the Ghost Who E’er Denies”: An Exodus-based Biblical Sociology of Religion and Its Role in Society, Markus Ekkehard Locker
Submissions from 2016
The Filipino Church at the Crossroads, Michael Demetrius H. Asis
Rediscovering Virtue through Community for Integral Human Development in Business: Sen’s Capabilities, Justice, and the Philippine Values of Pakikipagkapwa and Pakiramdam, Michael J. Liberatore
Blindness and Seeing in Systems Epistemology: Alfred Locker’s Trans-Classical Systems Theory, Markus Ekkehard Locker
Growing "to the Measure of Full Stature of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13): The Laity in the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, Ruben C. Mendoza
The Galilean Women of Luke 8:1-3, Maria Lucia C. Natividad
Technology and the Kingdom Vision: An Application of the Ignatian Principle of Tantum Quantum, Edwin B. Odulio and Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu
Vocation and Work in the Spirit: Understanding Charisms in Relation to Work, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Where Is Women's Wisdom in the Life of the Church? A Feminist Perspective on the International Theological Commission's “Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church”, Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez
Submissions from 2015
Critical Engagement as a Paradigm for Lay Participation in Politics, Wilson Angelo G. Espiritu and Raymond B. Aguas
Rediscovering Virtue through Community for Integral Human Development in Business: Sen's Capabilities, Justice, and the Philippine Values of Pakikipagkapwa and Pakiramdam, Michael J. Liberatore
Deconstructing and Expanding Gender Roles: Theological Reflections on Women and Local Disaster Response, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen and Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez
Submissions from 2014
A Postcolonial Critique of Amartya Sen's Capability Framework, Karl S. Comiling and Rachel Joyce Marie O. Sanchez
Walking Humbly with the Moros towards the Kingdom: A Reflection on the Catholic Church's Mission in Muslim Mindanao, Ruben C. Mendoza
Submissions from 2013
A Church in Dialogue with Peoples of Other Faiths: A Journey to the Kingdom in the Spirit, Ruben C. Mendoza
Assuming All That Is Asian: Becoming a Truly Local Church in Dialogue, Ruben C. Mendoza
The Church’s Ministry in Contemporary Society: Soundings from Henri Nouwen, Stephanie Ann Y. Puen
Submissions from 2011
The "Other Hand of God," the Church and Other Religious Traditions, Ruben C. Mendoza
N.T. Wright's Understanding of the Nature of Jesus' Risen Body, Joseph J. Smith SJ
Submissions from 2010
Religious Pluralism and the Turn to the Spirit: FABC’s and Gavin D’Costa’s Theology of Religions, Ruben C. Mendoza
Submissions from 2009
Building a Communion of Communities: Interreligious Dialogue in the Apostolic Vicariate of Jolo, Philippines, Ruben C. Mendoza
Regnocentrism in the Theology of Religions in the FABC and Paul Knitter, Ruben C. Mendoza