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This essay proposes Joseph Cardinal Bernardin''s consistent ethic of life (CEL) as a moral framework for Philippine Church leadership to consider and adapt as it engages with social issues. The paper begins by presenting the dual and inconsistent approaches of Philippine Church leadership to political engagement. This would be followed by a presentation of the key ideas of the CEL from which leaders of the Philippine Church can learn as well as how these can help renew the Philippine Church's vision of responding to the signs of the times; especially in terms of consistency. The paper concludes by proposing some points for further reflection that Church leadership can consider in living out the CEL; especially as it celebrates 500 years of Catholicism in the Philippines.NOTE: The page numbers are based on the arrangement of articles in the issue. The issue number is also 1-2 but I can only select 1 due to the user interface. I hope this will not be an issue.
