Volume 6, Number 2 (1958)
The Stories of Alejandro Roces
Arturo G. Roseburg
The Father of Existentialism
James T. Griffin
New Light on Gregorio Aglipay from Unpublished Documents in the Manila Archdiocesan Archives
Pedro S. de Achutegui and Miguel A. Bernad
Chemistry and Philippine Economic Progress
William J. Schmitt
Book Reviews
Three Ignatian Masterpieces: Saint Ignatius Loyola
Miguel A. Bernad
More Philippines Plays: More Short Plays of the Philippines
Miguel A. Bernad
Splendid New Poet: Time Without Number
C. G. Arevalo
Psychopaths and Delinquents
Francisco Parisi
Eclectic Psychiatry: Dynamics of Psychotheraphy
Francesco Parisi
Cytologic Technics for Office and Clinic
Jesus M. Tan
Church History: History of the Catholic Church
Austin V. Dowd
The Local Dialects, English and Tagalog
Editor's Note
Contributors and Reviewers
Volume 6. 1958