Aims & Scope | Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints | Ateneo Journals | Ateneo de Manila University

Aims & Scope

Carrying the banner of the School of Social Sciences and the Ateneo de Manila University, Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints publishes scholarly articles and other materials on the history of the Philippines and its people, both in the homeland and overseas. It is the oldest and biggest journal in the university. It handles about eighty contributions of various types every year. It has the largest subscription base among Ateneo journals and the only journal in the university published quarterly.

The Ateneo’s Strategic Plans

The operation of a journal’s office is important for the University, through the journal, to establish and maintain its identity and standing within the local and international academic community. With an unbroken record of publication since 1953 and highly respected worldwide, the journal is strategic for the Ateneo de Manila University’s academic reputation. The journal promotes a comparative and transnational sensibility and seeks to engage scholars from around the world who may not be specialists in the Philippines. The publication of the journal, particularly since it focuses on Philippine studies, serves Ateneo’s strategic thrust toward mission and identity as well as nation-building, showcases our learned ministry, and puts the university at par with other academic institutions worldwide in knowledge production.


Specific topics covered in the journal include:

  1. history and historiography
  2. archaeology and paleography
  3. languages, linguistics, and comparative literature
  4. sociological and anthropological studies
  5. migration and diaspora studies
  6. science, technology, and society
  7. media and popular culture

Types of Articles

The journal welcomes submissions of papers covering the history of the Philippines and its people, both in the homeland and overseas:

  • Research Articles
  • Research Notes
  • Commentaries
  • Book Reviews
  • Review Essays
  • Professorial Addresses
  • Translations
  • Documentary Sources