Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints is an internationally refereed journal (double-blind peer review) that publishes scholarly articles and other materials on the history of the Philippines and its people, both in the homeland and overseas.
It believes the past is illuminated by historians as well as scholars from other disciplines; at the same time, it prefers ethnographic approaches to the history of the present. It welcomes works that are theoretically informed but not encumbered by jargon. It promotes a comparative and transnational sensibility and seeks to engage scholars who may not be specialists in the Philippines. Founded in 1953 as Philippine Studies, the journal is published quarterly by the Ateneo de Manila University, where the journal is indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate), ASEAN Citation Index, Historical Abstracts (EBSCO), Bibliography of Asian Studies (EBSCO), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (ProQuest), a host of other international indexing services, the latest being the ASEAN Citation Index.
All submitted works must be written in English. The journal also accepts translations of previously published works in non-English languages, although such works must also pass blind peer review. The journal accepts research articles (8,000 to 10,000 words), research notes (essays less than 8,000 words long that present preliminary findings and/or insights of a research work), and documentary sources (reproduction/translation/transcription of primary sources that will be useful to other Philippinists). The journal does not accept unsolicited book reviews, review essays, professorial addresses, and obituaries.
The average time between acceptance and publishing is forty to sixty days.
See the Aims and Scope for complete coverage of the journal.
To view the current and previous issues and to submit manuscripts, please visit our old website,
To request for access to articles, please email
Current Issue: Volume 72, Number 4 (2024) The Economy of the EDSA Republic
Editor's Introduction
Editor’s Introduction
Michael D. Pante
José Rizal’s Noli me tángere and theMaking of a Cultural Artifact
Leif Andrew B. Garinto
Institutionalizing Speech Communication at the University of the Philippines: Epistemic and Embodied Practices of a Disciplinary Formation
Oscar T. Serquiña Jr.
Book Reviews
Sony Coráñez Bolton's Crip Colony: Mestizaje, US Imperialism, and theQueer Politics of Disability in the Philippines
Paula C. Park
Ricardo Roque and Warwick Anderson, eds. Imagined Racial Laboratories: Colonial and National Racialisations in Southeast Asia
Nur Dayana Mohamed Ariffin
Robin Thiers's Tales of the Post-Plantation: Unlikely Protagonists of Modern Philippine Banana History
Theresa Mae E. Gallardo
Index to Volume 72
Index to Volume 72