Information for Authors | Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints | Ateneo Journals | Ateneo de Manila University

Information for Authors

About the Journal

Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research on Philippine history and society.

It accepts the following types of submissions: research articles, research notes, documentary sources, and translations.


Manuscripts must be written in English in a clear and concise manner. Any author who is not fluent in idiomatic English is urged to seek assistance with manuscript preparation prior to submission. Reviewers are not expected to correct grammatical errors and any deficiency in this area may detract from the scientific content of the paper and result in acceptance delays or rejection.

Types of Submissions

The journal seeks to publish four types of contributions in the form of original articles, short communications, reviews, and mini reviews.

  1. Research Articles: Essays (7,000 to 10,000 words long) that represent in-depth research and analysis.
  2. Research Notes: Short essays (less than 7,000 words) that present a preliminary analysis of an important scholarly topic.
  3. Documentary Sources: These submissions may come in the form of translated or transcribed primary source materials that are not widely available due to language barriers or accessibility issues but are useful to the scholarly community.
  4. Translations: These are English translations of previously published works that are significant enough to merit being disseminated to the wider community of Philippine studies scholars.

Before Submission

Please make sure that your manuscript meets the below criteria:

  1. Your manuscript is an original work and has not been published or is currently under review with another journal or conference proceedings.
  2. Your work is compliant with research ethics and contains a declaration of conflicts of interest and/or funding sources if necessary.
  3. Your figures are of acceptable quality (at least 300 dpi) and uploaded as separate files.

Submissions that don't adhere to these guidelines will be rejected or returned to the Author prior to the peer review process.

Preparation of Manuscripts

All manuscripts submitted to Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints should be original contributions and must not be under consideration for any other publication.

Translation to English of an article previously published in another language may be submitted for consideration, but the author is responsible for copyright permission. The manuscript will be refereed and may be published as a “Translation.”

Manuscripts must be prepared as MS Word files and double-spaced throughout, including quotations, notes, and references. Section headings must be provided.

Notes, tables, figures, and illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Sources for tables, figures, and illustrations must be given in full. Each illustration must be placed in a separate file and have a dpi of at least 300.

Notes, numbered sequentially, must be placed at the end of the text manually, that is, without using the automatic endnote feature in Word.

We use author-date system of citation, following the form given in the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. Please consult recent issues of Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints as a guide. The journal’s style guide is available at

Length: We expect manuscripts to range from 7,000 to 10,000 words, including notes and the list of references. Longer articles will be considered in exceptional cases.

Online Submission

Initial evaluation

All submitted manuscripts will be checked by the editorial team to determine whether they are properly prepared and whether they follow journal policies of the journal. All submitted manuscripts are screened for potential plagiarism. Submissions that do not follow the journal's ethics policy or do not meet the standards of the journal will be rejected before peer review.

Submission Declaration and Verification

Article structure

The journal does not impose a rigid template for the structure of published articles. However, all submissions must contain the following:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Five keywords
  4. References

The abstract should be self-contained, citation-free, and should not exceed 100 words. Authors are asked to provide five keywords that ideally should not repeat words that already appear in the title.


One set of page proofs (as PDF files) will be sent by email to the corresponding author. Authors must use this proof only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness, and correctness of the text, tables, and figures, and not to introduce major changes to the article that will affect the overall layout. Note that the publisher may proceed with the publication of an article if no response is received one week upon the sending of the proof.

Revised manuscripts

The authors must submit the revised version of their submissions within two months of receiving the editorial decision. Revision does not mean that the manuscript will be accepted for publication, as the amended submissions could be sent out for reassessment. In response to reviewers’ comments, the authors must ensure that each comment is followed by their revision and/or response. Authors are expected to prepare a separate file containing their detailed responses to the queries and comments of referees. In instances where an author disagrees with a comment or suggestion of a reviewer, the author must justify the reason.

After acceptance

Upon acceptance of the manuscript, it will be sent to the journal’s layout artist to undergo typesetting. Once the typesetting is complete, authors will receive the proofs.

Peer Review

Because we follow a blind refereeing system, all references to the author’s identity must be removed from the main text, notes, and document properties of the Word file.

Please submit a separate page that contains the title of the manuscript; an abstract of about 100 words; a list of five keywords; and a brief description of the author and the author’s institutional affiliation and contact details.

We aim to give authors a decision within three to six months, although this target may not always be reached. That decision may be a conditional or unconditional acceptance, a rejection, or an invitation to revise and resubmit.

Article Publishing Charge

There are no submission charges or Article Processing Charges (APC) for publication of the journal on all submissions. However, if authors opt to make their article open access, there will be an article processing charge of US$1,000. Authors may decide before or after publication if they will avail of the open access option.