Volume 43, Number 2 (1995)
Procopio Solidum: A Negrense Poet
Regina Garcia-Groyon
Filipino Religiosity Some International Comparisons
Ricardo G. Abad
Gender-Sensitizing Initiatives in the Philippines
Andrea Lee Esser
Book Reviews
Emergent Voices, by Thelma Kintanar et al.
Susan Evangelista
The Week of the Whales, by Leoncio Deriada
Jonathan Chua
Mindanao: Land of Unfulfilled Promise, by Mark Turner et al.
Ghislaine Loyré
Global Dreams, by Richard Barnet and John Cavanagh
Gerald Sussman
Guerilla Memoirs, by Dominador Ilio
Philippine Studies Editorial Team
Bago Mythology and the Ecosystem
Florentino H. Hornedo
Filipino Reactions to Philippine Chinese Investments in China
Willy Lim Laohoo
Women, Development, and Human Rights: The Philippine Experience
Ilka Bailey-Wiebecke
Contributors to Volume 43 number 2 1995