Graduate Student Theses | Psychology Department Student Theses | Ateneo de Manila University


Theses/Dissertations from 2021

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Lived Experiences of Adolescent Siblings of Individuals with Autism, Chanchal Badlani

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Lived Experiences of Adolescent Siblings of Individuals with Autism, Chanchal Badlani

Family Support and Child Age as Moderators of the Relation Between Work Stress and Parenting Stress among Mothers Working From Home, Michelle Basilla-Ayuro

Family Support and Child Age as Moderators of the Relation Between Work Stress and Parenting Stress among Mothers Working From Home, Michelle Basilla-Ayuro

Teachers' Narratives of Pagdadala in Caring for Students in Low-Resource Urban Public Schools, Ross Laurenne Fortunado

Teachers' Narratives of Pagdadala in Caring for Students in Low-Resource Urban Public Schools, Ross Laurenne Fortunado

If I am not Well, I can't do Sessions Well: An Analysis of the Narratives of Filipino Therapists during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Dana Angelica Ledesma

If I am not Well, I can't do Sessions Well: An Analysis of the Narratives of Filipino Therapists during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Dana Angelica Ledesma

Bullying Experiences of Adolescents with ADHD, Jeffrey James Paulino

Bullying Experiences of Adolescents with ADHD, Jeffrey James Paulino

Middle Managers' Emotional Experiences Amid Unplanned Organizational Changes During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Erika Luiza Rivera

Middle Managers' Emotional Experiences Amid Unplanned Organizational Changes During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Erika Luiza Rivera

Examining Self-compassion as Moderator Between Children’s’ Autism Severity and Mothers’ Psychological Well-being, Sonia Saura

Examining Self-compassion as Moderator Between Children’s’ Autism Severity and Mothers’ Psychological Well-being, Sonia Saura

Theses/Dissertations from 2020

Exploring the Work-Life Balance Crafting, Work-Family Conflict and Well-Being of Workers in Dual Income Relationships, Jaimee Felice Caringal-Go

The Lived Experiences of Filipino PWUDs in Recovery without Family Support, Trixia Anne Co

The Wife, The Mother, and The Slut: Sexual Pleasure for the Filipino Woman a Grounded Theory Approach, Rica Vina Cruz

“You Play Like That Because You’re a Girl!” A Phenomenological Analysis of the Female Gaming Experience, Katherine Lauren Gohu

“You Play Like That Because You’re a Girl!” A Phenomenological Analysis of the Female Gaming Experience, Katherine Lauren Gohu

How Does Having a Supervisor That Works Too Much Affect Employee Workaholism and Well-Being? A Mediational Analysis, Anne Margaret Jordan

How Does Having a Supervisor That Works Too Much Affect Employee Workaholism and Well-Being? A Mediational Analysis, Anne Margaret Jordan

An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Family Dynamics of Filipino Dual-Earner Couples with Discordant Work Schedule, Maria Celeste Marasigan

An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Family Dynamics of Filipino Dual-Earner Couples with Discordant Work Schedule, Maria Celeste Marasigan

Social Media Use and Depression: The Mediating Role of Public Self-Awareness, Chantal Ellis Tabo

Social Media Use and Depression: The Mediating Role of Public Self-Awareness, Chantal Ellis Tabo

The Bidirectional Relation between Parental Rejection and Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors from Age 10 To 12 in Filipino Families, Jill Ann Therese Tan

The Bidirectional Relation between Parental Rejection and Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors from Age 10 To 12 in Filipino Families, Jill Ann Therese Tan

Theses/Dissertations from 2019

An Integrated Narrative Approach to Understand Relapse Among Methamphetamine Polydrug User, Ronnel Asumbrado

The Relation of Parental Rejection with Child Externalizing Behaviors: Household Chaos and Perceived Neighborhood Danger as Moderators, Michael Andrew Barangan

Heteronormativity as Discursive Action: The Utility of ‘Positioning’ as Analytic Lens, Gideon Bendicion

Pangarap Ko, Pangarap Natin: The Role of Hope As A Mediator Between Social Support and School Engagement, Mira Michelle Angeli De Guzman

(Dis)embodiment of Sacred Spaces in a Religiously Tainted Armed Conflict, Erwine Dela Paz

How Spirituality Shapes the Practices of Ethical Leadership, Including During Ethical Dilemmas, Miriam De Los Santos

How Do National Values Contribute to Perceived Organizational Resilience and Employee Resilience in Times of Disaster?: An Example from the Philippines, Ma. Queenie Isidro

Mapping Social Network Influences of Recovering Filipino Drug Users in Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation, Jason Manaois

Women Negotiators in the GPH-MILF Peace Process: A Positioning Analysis, Josephine Perez

Examining the Relationships Between Labor Law Compliance and Employee Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviors, Christine Lovely Red

Understanding Bullying of Adolescents with ADHD: A Narrative Inquiry, Terry Tan

Leadership Development in the Context of Nepal: A Narrative Analysis of the Stories of Non-Christian Jesuit Alumni Leaders, Fr. Augustine Thomas, SJ

An Analysis of Philippine Discourses on Cultural Diplomacy, Stephanie Beatriz Valera

Narratives and Identities of Overseas Filipina Domestic Worker Community in Macau, Marenel Vargas

Theses/Dissertations from 2010


Protective factors as predictors of resilience traits in male and female high school students, TAN TERRY

Theses/Dissertations from 1985


An exploratory study of the motivational system for parenthood of rural married couples, Lina L. Jurilla