"Examining Self-compassion as Moderator Between Children’s’ Autism Seve" by Sonia Saura

Examining Self-compassion as Moderator Between Children’s’ Autism Severity and Mothers’ Psychological Well-being


Sonia Saura

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts major in Theological Studies



First Advisor

Lorelie Ann Banzon-Librojo, PhD Cand.


Following Perry’s model of stress (2009), this study investigated the relation of children’s autism severity (as child characteristic and specific stressor), mothers’ self- compassion (as mothers’ personal resource), and mothers’ psychological well-being (as outcome), and the possible moderating role of the personal resource of self- compassion in the relation between the stressor and outcome. Moderation analysis was performed using PROCESS. Seventy-five mothers of school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder were recruited from the province of Pangasinan in Region 1, Tarlac province in Region 3 and from the National Capital Region through convenience sampling. The Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-Third Edition, Self- compassion Scale, Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-being, and a demographic questionnaire were administered to participating mothers. Results of data analysis indicated that children’s autism severity was not related to the mothers’ psychological well-being. Mothers’ self-compassion did not function as a moderating variable but had a moderate positive relation with the psychological well-being of the mothers, r = .49, p <.01. The study highlights the findings that high levels of self-compassion is linked to positive levels of psychological well-being. In light of this salient findings, psycho-educational programs, trainings and interventions on developing and enhancing self-compassion may be beneficial for the well-being of mothers of children with ASD. Implications of the study for future research are also discussed.

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