"Women Negotiators in the GPH-MILF Peace Process: A Positioning Analysi" by Josephine Perez

Women Negotiators in the GPH-MILF Peace Process: A Positioning Analysis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership Studies, major in Organization Development



First Advisor

Mira Alexis P. Ofreneo, PhD


This research examined the inclusion and participation of women in the GPH-MILF peace process. Positioning theory provided the conceptual and methodological lens to investigate the discourses regarding women inclusion and participation in top level peace negotiation. Using Slocum-Bradley’s positioning diamond framework (2009), the stories of nine members of the GPH-MILF (Government of the Philippines-Moro Islamic Liberation Front) peace negotiating teams were systematically analyzed. Findings indicate that gender identity intersects with other identities in claiming the right to participate in the peace negotiation. It also revealed that women negotiators navigated through multiple positional shifts of intersecting normative identities to agentic identities, and from being right-receivers to right-bearers. The discursive positional shifts enabled the inclusion and participation of women negotiators to influence the peace process towards a conclusive peace settlement. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

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