Submissions from 2011
Representations of Self in Reflection Essays of Philippine University Students, Isabel Pefianco Martin
GUMIL Hawaii Vision and Writing (Association of Ilocano Writers in Hawaii): Potentially Disenfranchising?, Ma. Socorro Q. Perez
Lost and Found and Other Essays, Rica Remedios B. Santos
Submissions from 2010
The Skylab, Cyan Abad-Jugo
"The Truth of the Present Moment", "Sweet Summer", Cyan Abad-Jugo
"The Long and Short of It" and "RSVP", Mark Anthony Cayanan
Periphery ELT: The politics and practice of teaching English in the Philippines, Isabel Pefianco Martin
Just Man, Rica Remedios B. Santos
Creative Teaching Thrives in Public School Classrooms, Maria Luz C. Vilches
Submissions from 2009
"Body as Air", "Prayer", "What Happens Next", "The Need for Ending", Mark Anthony Cayanan
Placelessness, Mark Anthony Cayanan
Fragments from a Literary Friendship, Rica Remedios B. Santos
The Philippine Experience of Reflective Practice in INSET Teacher Development Initiatives, Maria Luz C. Vilches
Submissions from 2008
Factors Affecting ELT Reforms: The Case of the Philippines Basic Education Curriculum, Maria Luz C. Vilches and Alan Waters
Submissions from 2005
Managing Innovation in Language Education: Acourse for ELT Change Agents, Maria Luz C. Vilches and Alan Waters
Submissions from 2003
Task-Based Language Teaching: the Case of En 10, Maria Luz C. Vilches
Submissions from 2001
Language and Literature: The Inseparable Interface, Maria Luz C. Vilches
Implementing ELT innovations: a needs analysis framework, Maria Luz C. Vilches and Alan Waters
Submissions from 2000
Integrating teacher learning: the School-Based Follow-up Development Activity, Alan Waters and Maria Luz C. Vilches
Training Training-Room Skills, Alan Waters and Maria Luz C. Vilches