Volume 68, Number 2 (2020) Teodoro Agoncillo’s Masses
What Made the Masses Revolutionary?: Ignorance, Character, and Class in Teodoro Agoncillo’s The Revolt of the Masses
Filomeno V.; Aguilar Jr.
Empire’s Informal Ties: Pioneer Anthropologists in Davao, 1904–1916
Patricia Irene; Dacudao
Undressing Rizal’s Message: Clothing and Gender in Noli me tángere
Stephanie; Ateneo Coo
Book Reviews
Filomeno V. Aguilar Jr. Peripheries: Histories of Anti-Marginality
Review Author: Camagay
Jim Glassman’s Drums of War, Drums of Development: The Formation of a Pacific Ruling Class and Industrial Transformation in East and Southeast Asia, 1945–1980
Review Author: Cruz
Enrique Niño P. Leviste, ed. Education for a Globalizing Asia: Challenges and Opportunities
Review Author: Zara
Pedro Luengo, trans. Concepcion L. Rosales The Convents of Manila: Globalized Architecture during the Iberian Union
Review Author: Calacday
Jorge V. Tigno, ed. Twentieth-Century Philippine Political Thinkers: Selected Readings
Review Author: Doce
Editor's Introduction
Michael D.; Pante