"Producing Ferdinand E. Marcos, the Scholarly Author" by Miguel Paolo Reyes


Thisarticle discusses the compelling evidence—found in various primaryand secondary sources and analyzed through methods drawn from bookhistory and plagiarism detection—that not one of the books authored byPres. Ferdinand E. Marcos was actually written by him. Thearticle alsoshows how many of “Marcos’s” books had either plagiarized content(e.g., republishing contents from previous works) or were “padded” withlengthy appendices. It also explains the seemingly far-reaching distributionnetwork of these books. Lastly, thearticle looks into how these books,although they have not been republished for decades, continue to servetheir intended functions.KEYWORDS: FERDINAND E. MARCOS • BOOK HISTORY • GHOSTWRITING • PLAGIARISM• ADRIAN CRISTOBAL
