Volume 35, Number 3 (1987)
Historias, Cronicas, Vocabularios: Some Spanish Sources for Research in Philippine Food
Doreen G. Fernandez
The Jesuits During the Philippine Revolution
S.J. Arcilla
Ethnic Streotypes of Filipino Children and their Parents
Renato Y. Pablo and Richard C. Gardner
Book Reviews
Rizal and Spain, by Bernad
S.J. Arcilla
Conspiracy for Empire, by Francisco and Fast
Maria Josefina Dalupan
The Pilipinos in America, by Pido
Susan Evangelista
Credo, by Guevara-Fernandez
S.J. Galdon
Amado V. Hernandez, by Torres-Yu
Jr. Medina
Ownership, by Avila
S.J. Gorospe
New Communities, New Ministries, by Bavarel
S.J. Cullen
Demythologizing the Papal Bull "Inter Caetera"
William Henry Scott
The Lantin House of Candelaria
M. Covarrubias Jamir
Echoes and Reflections in Villa Magdalena
Lourdes H. Vidal
No. 3. Volume 35