Volume 17, Number 2 (1969)
The "Urian" Lectures
Bienvenido Lumbera
Panitikang Pilipino: Pakikilahok, 1946-1968
Efren R. Abueg
Aspects of Philippine Writing in English
Petronilo Bn. Darey
Poetry, Music and Social Consciouisness
Felipe Padilla de Leon
Elitism: The Hazards of Being a Vernacular Writer
Leonard Casper
Some Contributions of the Philippine Magazine to the Development of Philippine Culture
Joy A. Marsella
Book Reviews
The Complete Ifugao Bibliography: Ifugao Bibliography
Francis Lambrecht
Church Music: Preludes, Postludes and Offertories
Kathleen England
Faith of the Modern Man: A Religion for Our Time
St. Mary Wilson
The Innermost Mind of Aurobindo: The "Psychic Entity" In Aurobindo's the Life Divine
Juan R. Francisco
A Comparative Study of Malaysian and Indonesian Economics: Socialism and Private Enterprise in Equatorial Asia
R. Eugene Moran
A "Non-Book" on the Philippines
Miguel A. Bernad
Philippine Society During the Japanese Occupation
Josefa M. Saniel
Introduction to Physiological Psychology
Leonel Campos
Economic Dilemma of Asian Countries Asian Drama
Michael McPhelin
The O.T. Exodus: A Cultic Approach: The God of Exodus
P.J. Calderone S.J.
Sex and Christian Love: Love and Sexuality
S.J. Willey
Review Essay
Writing a Great Novel
Miguel A. Bernad