"Applying the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Action Research Model to Re-Stru" by Richard Deanne Sagun and Maricar Prudente

Applying the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Action Research Model to Re-Structure the Science Classroom Conforming to the Metacognitive Orientation Standards

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The learning environment plays a crucial role in the promotion of school science. Redesigning the science classroom into a metacognitive learning environment is imperative in developing students’ 21st century skills–communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creative thinking. In this study, we exposed the students to a variety of metacognitive activities–allowing them to plan, reflect, and evaluate their thinking skills and strategies. We intended to investigate the effectiveness of integrating metacognitive-enhanced and self-regulated learning strategies in understanding molecular genetics. We also explored and interpolated the roles of self-efficacy and metacognition in relation to their impact on Filipino students’ scientific reasoning skills and conceptual understanding in the context of a Philippine science classroom. To establish a more comprehensive perspective, we applied the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) action research model, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods to find answers to the research problems. The results of the study highlighted the interconnectedness and interplay of science self-efficacy, metacognitive awareness, metacognitive-orientation of the classroom, and the scientific conceptual understanding of the students. These are crucial constructs in creating and maintaining a metacognitive orientation of the science classroom. The study also shows that science self-efficacy has a vital role in predicting the academic achievement of students.
