"Georges De Schrijver, SJ. Imagining the Creator God: From Antiquity to Astrophysics. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2015. 234 pages." by Michael Ner E. Mariano

Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia


Excerpt: The relationship between science and religion is a notoriously difficult topic to navigate. Some people are hindered by the lack of sound working knowledge of modern science. Others, though more scientifically astute, might lack a sophisticated appreciation of religious thought. Philosophy bridges these two realms of human experience: it inquires into the fundamental meaning of science and of religion and into the possible relationship between them. Imagining the Creator God offers the reasonably intelligent reader a sometimes difficult, but ultimately profitable, exploration of the possibilities of understanding the workings of the physical universe as participation in the continuously creative act of a Creator God.
