Announcement | Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia | Ateneo Journals | Ateneo de Manila University

Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia


Starting with volume 13, Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia will be an open access online journal. The move, it is hoped, will increase visibility and readership and encourage contributions from scholars and critics. All issues will be accessible through Archium, the institutional repository of the Ateneo de Manila University (

Print copies of back issues of the journal (up to volume 12) are still available for purchase through the Ateneo Journals official store at Shopee or through emailing orders to

We thank the subscribers of the journal for their custom over the years. They have helped to defray the cost of running the journal. As an online open access journal, Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia will no longer charge for subscription even for back issues.

Committed to its identity as a venue for commentary and research in the arts and letters in the region, Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia will continue to accept and review manuscripts for publication. Guidelines are available at our Policies and Aims and Scope pages on Archium. Interested writers, scholars, and critics may submit manuscripts through sending an email to or through the Submit Article link on our homepage in Archium, where one will be asked to create an account.

For inquiries, interested parties may write to


Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia is accepting manuscripts for an issue on Thai Literature to be published in November 2024 (vol. 14, no. 2). The issue will be guest edited by Ranwarat Kobsirithiwara of Kasetsart University, Thailand. Original research on aspects of Thai Literature (production, readership, translation, etc.), commentary on specific Thai authors or works, comparative studies of Thai and other national literatures, and related topics are welcome. Original literary works are also welcome.

Research manuscripts must be in English, must not exceed 6,000 words (including notes), and must follow the footnote-bibliography system of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. Authors must provide an abstract (approx. 250 words), a list of keywords (up to six), and their brief bio-note (approx. 250 words). Literary works may be in Thai but must come with English translations.

All manuscripts, research or literary, will be subject to blind peer review.

Interested parties may submit their manuscripts as an MS Word file attached to an email sent to before July 15, 2024.


The year 2025 marks the centenary of the publication of Paz Marquez Benitez’s story “Dead Stars” in the Philippines Herald. The publication arguably inaugurated the Filipino short story in English. One hundred years since “Dead Stars” what has been the achievement of Filipino fictionists who use English? What issues have they had to or continue to grapple with? What appears to the future of Filipino fiction in English?

Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities accepts manuscripts exploring these and related questions for its November 2025 issue. Original research on aspects of Philippine fiction written in English (production, readership, translation, etc.), commentary on specific authors or works, and related topics are welcome.

Research manuscripts must be in English, must not exceed 6,000 words (including notes), and must follow the footnote-bibliography system of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. Authors must provide an abstract (approx. 250 words), a list of keywords (up to six), and their brief bio-note (approx. 250 words). Literary works may be in Thai but must come with English translations.

All manuscripts, research or literary, will be subject to blind peer review.

Interested parties may submit their manuscripts as an MS Word file attached to an email sent to before July 15, 2024.