Aims & Scope | Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia | Ateneo Journals | Ateneo de Manila University

Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia

Aims & Scope

The journal publishes articles (approx. 6,000 words), research notes (approx. 4,000 words), reviews (approx. 1,000 words), and features, including interviews.

Reviews and features are not peer-reviewed and are generally solicited, although submissions for consideration in those sections are also welcome.

On occasion, the journal publishes bibliographies or yearend compilations or reviews of specific arts forms under the heading "For the Record," reproductions of art works pertinent to the issue under the heading "Art Folio," and literary works, the last subjected to a peer review process.

Themed issues are also prepared, usually under a guest editor from a partner university of the Ateneo de Manila's.

Matter published in the journal is generally written in English.

However, works in Filipino or other languages are sometimes published and come with either an English abstract or an English translation.