Aims and Scope | Journal of Management for Global Sustainability | Ateneo Journals | Ateneo de Manila University

Aims and Scope

JMGS defines global sustainability as the broad set of interconnected issues that include, but are not limited to, the achievement of environmental preservation, social entrepreneurship, poverty eradication, social justice, desirable production and consumption patterns, species preservation, and spiritually rich lives at this time in our species’ history on this planet. It seeks to publish articles on how productive enterprises contribute toward realizing and achieving global sustainability so as to create socially just and spiritually whole ways for all species to go on thriving indefinitely.


JMGS welcomes submissions from all management disciplines (e.g. international business, accounting, marketing, finance, operations) and from related disciplines (e.g. economics, political science) so long as the manuscript contributes to our academic understanding of the role of management in achieving global sustainability. Examples of specific topics published by the journal include: sustainable finance, green marketing, sustainability practices in organizations, sustainability leadership and management, developing sustainability mindsets, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and new paradigms for management education, among many others.

Types of Articles

The journal welcomes submissions of papers covering theoretical work, conceptual papers, and empirical studies. These should not exceed 7000 words.

Submitted manuscripts shall be subject to a double-blind review process overseen by the editorial board. The manuscript must adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Academy of Management Journal Style Guide (2014) for both in-text citations and references. URLs (where available) should also be provided for the references. Please check the Author Guidelines for more details.