Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Modeling Discharge to Assess the Influence of Increased Impervious Areas in Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines, Alecz Gabrielle Fernandez
In Vitro Assessment of the Inhibitory Effect of Sludge Against Fusarium oxyxporum f.sp cubense (Smith) Synder et Hansen (1940), Jessica Francisco
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Speciation of Nickel and Chromium in Paddy Soils of Masinloc, Candelaria, and Sta. Cruz, Zambales, Philippines, Cristine Dulfo
Heavy Metal Accumulation in Molluscs as Bioindicator of Contamination in Mangrove Sediments in Lake Uacon, Candelaria, Zambales, Khasmer Marbella
An Integrated Risk Assessment of the Rural and Peri-Urban Communities: A Case Study in Angat, Bulacan, Van Barry Par
Projection of Urbanization Trend in Calabarzon, Central Luzon, and Metro Manila and Potential Impact on Local Climate, Alyssa Valerio
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Assessment of the Retention and Resorption of Heavy Metals in the Mangrove Species Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Contaminated with Mining EFFLUENTS, Luisito Capua, Jr.
Characterization of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Mabini, Batangas: Linking Geology, Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Coastal Ecosystems, Raymond Rodolfo