"An Integrated Risk Assessment of the Rural and Peri-Urban Communities:" by Van Barry Par

An Integrated Risk Assessment of the Rural and Peri-Urban Communities: A Case Study in Angat, Bulacan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Science


Environmental Science

First Advisor

Maria Aileen Leah G. Guzman, PhD


Weather variabilities have contributed to the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events leading to floods and droughts. The Philippines, being an agricultural country, is thus susceptible to these changes in the climate. Of particular interest to this research is Angat, Bulacan which is situated near the Angat river which traverses through two major dams, Angat and Ipo dam. This study assessed the risks entailed by flood and drought through the use of geographic information system to provide the rural and peri-urban communities in Angat, Bulacan information on two disaster scenarios. The study followed the risk framework wherein the combination of hazards and vulnerabilities would equate to the flood and drought risks of the area. Flood and drought risk maps were produced in order to give information on which communities would endure greater risk and damage. Additionally, key informant interviews were conducted on each of the barangays which served as a risk validation tool and a manner of identifying vulnerable areas. The key-informant interview also helped in providing insight on what specifically does each of the communities need so that the local government could act according to their necessities. The results of the study shows that 14 out of the 16 barangays in Angat, Bulacan would be subjected to flooding if typhoons similar to that of Ondoy (2009), and Kading (1978) are to hit the Angat. As an agricultural municipality, such event would bring great damage to local agricultural production. The study provides recommendations on policies to effectively address the flood issues that the municipality of Angat faces.

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