"Fostering Philippine culture through a practical music course : an eva" by MA. RENELA P. FERNANDEZ

Fostering Philippine culture through a practical music course : an evaluation

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education, major in Educational Administration



First Advisor

Soto, Cornelia C., Ph.D.


This study evaluated the music program called Practical Music Course of Zions Praise Music, Inc. The study aims to determine if the PMC program fosters Philippine culture in grade 7 classes. The study uses the descriptive research method, which is used to provide an accurate description or picture of the status or characteristics of a situation or phenomenon (Burke and Christensen, 2012, 366). The descriptive method allows the research to describe the data with numbers to simplify comparison of groups and provide basis for later analysis. Perspective of both students and teachers where taken through a survey using the instrument that the researcher formulated and validated by experts in music education. Results show that a practical music course such as PMC can foster Philippine culture in class.


The E3.F397 2018
