"Revision and testing of a framework for the development of embodied co" by JONATHAN CASANO

Revision and testing of a framework for the development of embodied cognition learning games

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Information Systems & Computer Science

First Advisor

Rodrigo, Ma. Mercedes T., Ph.D.


This paper reports one part of a larger series of studies on the design and implementation of embodied cognition in Mathematics educational systems. We describe the revisions done on an original Arduino framework used to create Embodied Cognition games based on the feedback collected from an expert evaluation and a student usability test of its previous version. The revised system was again evaluated by experts and was found to be supportive of active learning, appropriate for the curriculum and for classroom use, and a potential tool for engendering engagement. To appraise the value of embodied cognition games as pedagogical tools, students were divided to form three groups, a lecture-only group, a game-only group and a lecture+game group, and each were made to receive the intervention their names suggested. A two-tailed t-test reveals that the EC game may be a good reinforcement to a lecture as scores seem to be significantly higher when students were exposed to both lecture and game, as opposed to just one. The scores of the lecture-only group and game-only group were also significantly the same, This seems to suggest that the game is just as good as a lecture. Respondents were also given user experience questionnaires which showed that students found the game more engaging than a traditional lecture.


The C7.C38 2017
