"Summarization algorithms performance for topic clustered twitter micro" by JOHN SIXTO G. SANTOS

Summarization algorithms performance for topic clustered twitter microblogs

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


Information Systems & Computer Science

First Advisor

Estuar, Ma. Regina Justina E., Ph.D.


This paper discusses an approach that would allow for the condensation of a bodyof Twitter microblogs into a wieldy size by extracting the topics being discussed in acorpus of tweets using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The approach presents theoutput into a human readable summary using the Phrase Reinforcement (PR)algorithm. The average F-measure score of this method exceeds those of othermethods when evaluated against human-made summaries. Results also suggest thatLDA together with PR is more robust against noisier datasets than the other testedmethods. This solution would help utilize Twitter into a tool not only for sharing ofexperiences but also a tool for gathering the state of the population. Decision makerscan use this solution to make informed action.


The C7.S258 2018
