"Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change by Integrating Climate Risk int" by Emma E. Porio, Archana Patankar et al.

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Extreme weather events affect vulnerable urban areas adversely, with substantial damage, disruption of normal economic and social activities and services and loss of human life and can also alter the medium or long-term development trajectory of the cities. Thus, disaster management is an important context for integrating adaptation into decision-making for the cities at risk. The APNfunded research project in Mumbai, Bangkok and Manila has been undertaken with the primary objective of identifying and measuring the short to medium-term impacts and responses to extreme weather events and their policy implications for long-term adaptation capacity and development planning for the cities. The project includes analysis of primary and secondary data to measure the physical, economic and social losses in the case study cities. We also examine the short to mediumterm responses from the local government and citizens and evaluate if they enhance the adaptation capacity of the cities to cope with future weather events and flood risks. This analysis has policy implications for disaster management, city resilience and adaptive capacity of the cities in the longterm. The project is particularly relevant to the selected cities belonging to the developing world where natural disasters have long-term implications for development and poverty alleviation.
