"Exploring resilience processes of Filipino migrant domestic workers: A" by Melissa R. Garabiles, Elisabeth H. Mayawati et al.

Exploring resilience processes of Filipino migrant domestic workers: A multisystemic approach

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This study identified resilience processes at the individual, family, and community levels among Filipino migrant domestic workers (MDWs). Resilience processes highlight strengths and resources that can enhance positive adaptation to problems that affect this vulnerable migrant group. Data came from focus groups and key informant interviews involving 27 MDWs and 7 key informants. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis and organized according to the socioecological model. Results revealed 7 resilience processes. Financial coping, health management, and spirituality were found across levels. Companionship and emotional support are transacted within family and community levels, whereas expanding knowledge and support occurs at individual and community levels. MDWs and their families prioritize each family member, whereas the community provides legal support. Resilience processes exist across ecological levels. However, individual resilience processes are insufficient, thus necessitating collective agency through familial and community resilience processes and building social structures that facilitate resilience.
