"Arts-based psychosocial training after the Yolanda typhoon in the Phil" by Tami Gavron, Noam Eskenasy et al.

Arts-based psychosocial training after the Yolanda typhoon in the Philippines

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This study focuses on an arts-based mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) intervention in the form of TOT (training of trainers) conducted under the auspices of IsraAID in the aftermath of the Yolanda typhoon in the Philippines in 2013. Interviews were conducted with 10 female education and healthcare professionals, who also made drawings of their experiences. The goal was to better understand how they evaluated the training program, both for themselves and their communities. Analysis of the interviews and drawings, based on the principles of Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR), identified three main domains: (1) Supportive and inhibiting factors for participants in the training course; (2) Supportive and inhibiting factors with respect to the participants’ implementation of the training goals in their local communities; (3) Perceptions of the benefits of the training program for the participants and their communities. The discussion centers on the value of the creative process, the importance of the group in the training course and in the context of multiculturalism, and the impact these factors in interventions applying the TOT model.
