"Filipinos Behind Closed Doors: Nonsexual and Sexual Constructs as Pred" by Jaimee Felice Caringal-Go and Rica Vina Cruz

Filipinos Behind Closed Doors: Nonsexual and Sexual Constructs as Predictors of Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction in Filipino Individuals

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This study explored the relationships of nonsexual constructs and sexual constructs on sexual and relationship satisfaction among Filipinos. A sample of 442 Filipino individuals in a relationship completed self-report questionnaires. Data was analyzed through path analysis. The model showed that sexual satisfaction has a strong positive influence on relationship satisfaction. Moreover, emotional intimacy directly influenced sexual and relationship satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction exhibited a stronger association with relationship satisfaction than emotional intimacy. Overall, findings suggest that sex and sexual activities are crucial to Filipinos’ relationship satisfaction. Implications for marital therapy in the country and future research are discussed.
