"Psychometric properties of the English and Filipino version of the inv" by Antover P. Tuliao, Ma. Regina Hechanova et al.

Psychometric properties of the English and Filipino version of the inventory of attitudes towards seeking mental help services

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This paper examined the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Attitudes Towards Seeking Mental Help (IASMHS) English and translated Filipino versions in a sample of Filipino college students and overseas migrant workers. The IASMHS three-factor solution was replicated (psychological openness, help-seeking propensity, and indifference to stigma) with both English and Filipino versions, but dropping items and adding residual covariances were needed to achieve requisites of a good model fit. Measurement invariance test indicated partial metric and scalar invariance across versions. Past use and intent to utilize mental health services were positively associated with help-seeking propensity factor, but not with psychological openness and indifference to stigma. Bivariate correlations among IASMHS factors and other help-seeking variables were also examined.
