Physics Department | School of Science and Engineering Theses and Dissertations | Ateneo de Manila University


Theses/Dissertations from 2021

Morphology, Conductivity, and Mechanical Properties of Electropolymerized Polypyrrole/Silver-Coated Granular Microsphere Composite Films, Al Advincula

Morphology, Conductivity, and Mechanical Properties of Electropolymerized Polypyrrole/Silver-Coated Granular Microsphere Composite Films, Al Advincula

Diffraction of a Zeroth-Order Bessel Beam with a Transmission Grating, Adrian Matthew De Ubago

Diffraction of a Zeroth-Order Bessel Beam with a Transmission Grating, Adrian Matthew De Ubago

Diffraction of a Zeroth-Order Bessel Beam with a Transmission Grating, Adrian Matthew De Ubago

Theses/Dissertations from 2020

Radially Polarized Bessel Beams, Amante Ama

Radially Polarized Bessel Beams, Amante Ama

Radially Polarized Bessel Beams, Amante Ama

Surface Microphysical Characteristics of Stratiform and Convective Rains in Metro Manila, Philippines, Larry Ger Aragon

A Complex Analysis Formalism to Explain Fluid Behavior Across Barriers, Paul Allen Chavit

Characterization of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Fine Particulate Pollution in the Surface Layer of a Monsoon Asia Megacity: An Assessment of Personal Exposure of a High-Risk Occupational Group in Metro Manila, Philippines, Imee Delos Reyes

Detection and Analysis of the Magnetic Field Component of the Electromagnetic Radiation from the Quasi-Brittle Fracture of Tile-Cement-bound-Granular Materials Slabs, Christian James Galotera

Generation of an Elliptical Zeroth-Order Bessel Beam with a Deformable Annular Slit, Dominic Guaña

Generation of an Elliptical Zeroth-Order Bessel Beam with a Deformable Annular Slit, Dominic Guaña

Generation of an Elliptical Zeroth-Order Bessel Beam with a Deformable Annular Slit, Dominic Guaña

Investigation of the Monsoonal Variation of Surface Microphysical Characteristics of Rainfall over Metro Manila Using A PARSIVEL2 Disdrometer, Marco Polo Ibañez

Theses/Dissertations from 2019

Collective Motion and Infromation Dynamics in Systems of Vibrated Active Granular Particles, Mergebelle Dengal

Laser Irradiation of Vigna Radiata L. (Mung Bean) at Two Wavelengths: Effects on Seedling Development, Rayno Vic Janayon

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Characterization of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in selected urban background and traffic sites in Metro Manila, GRACE BETITO


The surface characteristics and the vertical structure of the ITCZ over the Philippines on September 8-14, 2015 (case study), EMMANUEL GARING


Radiative forcing and temperature effects of anthropogenic aerosols over Southeast Asia, BYRON TERENZ D. LEANO


Investigating the sea surface temperature representation and its regional climate influence in Southeast Asia, ANGELA MONINA MAGNAYE


Detecting tropical cyclones in regional climate model simulations over the Cordex-South East Asia domain, JENNIFER TIBAY

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


Estimation of aerosol particle density, dynamic shape factor, and mass concentration during the Metro Manila Aerosol Characterization Experiment (MACE) 2015, GRETHYL CATIPAY


Hydrometeorological impact of urbanization in Metro Manila : Habagat 2013, EMILIO GOZO


Estimation of particle number and equivalent black carbon mass emission factors in Manila using the Operational Street Pollution Model, LEIZEL I. MADUENO

Theses/Dissertations from 2016

Spatial and temporal variability of black carbon concentrations during the Metro Manila Aerosol Characterization Experiment, Philippines (MACE), ALAS HONEY DAWN

Diagnostic analysis of potential indicators for Southwest monsoon rainfall decline in the Philippines, MASANGYA RAYMUND

Theses/Dissertations from 2015

Characterization of aerosol optical properties over Southeast Asia from AERONET sun photometer measurements, CHAN JUSTIN DALE

Improving extreme weather forecast through observation data assimilation, OLAGUERA LYNDON MARK

An Investigation of a sea breeze rainfall event over Metro Manila : comparison of WRF and MM5 simulations, BALA MICHAEL

Observational and theoretical study of orographic offshore precipitation in the Zambales mountains, TUAZON WILLY

Theses/Dissertations from 2014

The effects of Northern Luzon topography on typhoon Chan-hom (2009), GALANG JUANITO

Observational study and simulation of Northeast Asian monsoon cold surges, BACANI MARCOS

Theses/Dissertations from 2013

Satellite rainfall validation and assimilation into a weather forecast model, JAMANDRE CARLO

The effects of urban expansion in Metro Manila on the Southwest monsoon rainfall, DADO JULIE MAE

Evaluation of the efficiency of an ultrafine titanium dioxide-based paint for removing nitrogen oxides in an indoor and outdoor environment, BORLAZA LUCILLE JOANNA

Numerical simulation of December rainfall distribution in Mindanao using Mesoscale Model (MM5), DURAN SAMUEL

Theses/Dissertations from 2012

Observational and model study of the onset of the rainy season associated with the Southwest monsoon season in Central Luzon, LUCERO ANTHONY JOSEPH

Investigating tropical cyclone behavior over Northwest Pacific from 1945 to 2009, ORDINARIO RAYMOND

Rainfall estimation of tropical cyclone using satellite imageries, CANILLO ROLYMER

Theses/Dissertations from 2011

An observational and theoretical case study of rainy season wet spell or "siyam-siyam", CASTILLO ADELAIDA

Diurnal variation of rainfall in Northern Luzon, ZAMUDIO ARIEL

Numerical simulation of storm surge for landfalling tropical cyclone, NIMES JULIE

Prospecting wind energy over mountainous terrain, ESCULLAR MARIA ANA GLAIZA

Theses/Dissertations from 2010

Effect of urbanization on mesoscale circulation over Metro Manila and its associated rainfall, NIEVARES NIVAGINE