"Laser Irradiation of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) at Two Wavelengths f" by Rayno Vic B. Janayon and Raphael A. Guerrero

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Two laser sources operating at wavelengths of 632.8 nm (He-Ne) and 488 nm (Ar+

) are used in examining the effects of coherent, low-power, continuous wave exposure on the development of Vigna radiata L. Presowing laser irradiation of seeds leads to an improvement of mung bean seedling characteristics, with increased values of hypocotyl length (an increase of up to 22.5%), root length (an increase of up to 28.8%), and seedling mass (a maximum increase of 29.2%). Measured parameters between seedlings from laser-irradiated seeds and from control samples are statistically different at a level of significance equal to 0.05. For both laser wavelengths, an optimal exposure time of 2 minutes is determined for enhanced growth of mung bean seedlings.

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