"Fundamental Phase Space Formula for the Similitude Group" by Laarni B. Natividad and Job A. Nable

Fundamental Phase Space Formula for the Similitude Group

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



In this work, the statement and proof of a fundamental formula in the phase space representation of quantum systems will be carried out for the similitude group, Sim(2). This formula takes the form ∫ a(Y)P(Y)d(Y) = {A}, where Y is the phase space variable and {A} is a linear operator on Hilbert space representing a quantum dynamical observable. {A} is the quantum expected value of the observable in a state of the system. The focus on the similitude group is due to current interest in signal analysis, localization operators and pseudo-differential operators. The fundamental formula states that this may be computed in a classical manner, as an integral against a probability distribution. The formula is intimately related to the quantization-dequantization problem a(Y) ↔ A which assigns a quantum operator to the classical phase space function a(Y).
