"Sigma Coloring and Edge Deletions" by Agnes Garciano, Reginaldo M. Marcelo et al.

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A vertex coloring c : V(G) → N of a non-trivial graph G is called a sigma coloring if σ(u) is not equal to σ(v) for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v. Here, σ(x) denotes the sum of the colors assigned to vertices adjacent to x. The sigma chromatic number of G, denoted by σ(G), is defined as the fewest number of colors needed to construct a sigma coloring of G. In this paper, we consider the sigma chromatic number of graphs obtained by deleting one or more of its edges. In particular, we study the difference σ(G)−σ(G−e) in general as well as in restricted scenarios; here, G−e is the graph obtained by deleting an edge e from G. Furthermore, we study the sigma chromatic number of graphs obtained via multiple edge deletions in complete graphs by considering the complements of paths and cycles.

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