"Service-learning as an Institutional Commitment to its Mission and Ide" by Genejane Adarlo, Urduja C. Amor et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Service-learning, a widely adopted teaching method in Catholic higher education, provides students with opportunities to address social justice issues. This is why many Catholic higher education institutions have implemented strategic reforms to incorporate service-learning into their mission and identity. However, further research is required to explore how institutionalizing service-learning can deepen institutional practices and goals. Hence, this case study examined the rationale and approach of a Catholic higher education institution in the Philippines in institutionalizing service-learning. Key administrators from this higher education institution participated in focus group discussions. The thematic analysis of the verbatim transcripts revealed that institutionalizing service-learning was the response of this higher education institution to its mission and identity. Institutionalizing service-learning primarily involved introducing strategic reforms for educational improvement: fostering the education of the whole person and contributing to social development. Restructuring and reorganization were carried out to support strategic reforms aimed at educational improvement. These findings offer valuable insights for other faith-based institutions seeking to deepen their engagement with service-learning as part of fulfilling their mission and identity. Specifically, faith-based institutions can adopt strategic reforms based on this study to develop tailored approaches that address their unique needs and goals.


This paper was presented at the 2024 IARSLCE Asia-Pacific Conference (APC) X International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL) in Hong Kong on December 3-6, 2024.
