"Civic-Mindedness as an Enduring Influence of Service Learning" by Genejane M. Adarlo, Urduja C. Amor et al.

Civic-Mindedness as an Enduring Influence of Service Learning

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Service learning can prepare undergraduate students with the necessary civic capacities and commitments for today's solutions to wicked social problems. However, most studies on the civic outcomes of service learning, such as civic-mindedness, are student self-reports on surveys given at the end of an academic term. A more nuanced understanding of civic-mindedness as an outcome of service learning is needed using qualitative research and longitudinal follow-up. Hence, this case study aimed to examine the development of civic-mindedness among undergraduate students from an institution of Jesuit higher education in the capital of the Philippines by following up with them six years after their participation in a curricular service learning experience in a public health care setting. Out of 24 eligible study participants, 13 took part in a focus group discussion. Thematic analysis of verbatim transcripts revealed civic-mindedness as an enduring outcome of curricular service learning. Our findings support the growing literature on the teachable moments that can come with rendering service in the community and the fundamental role of educators in designing a well-structured curricular service learning program that can leave a lasting impression on their students' civic identity.
