Contracting for Health Care under the New Philippine UHC Act

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The 2019 Philippine UHC Act provides one of the most recent examples of contractualization of health care. Despite the significant change it brings; it regu‐ lates contracting only marginally; so that the purpose and deployment of this mech‐ anism remain largely unclear. This study examines how contracting under the new law can contribute to achieving the reform goals and; to this end; subjects the UHC Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations to a socio-legal analysis. In the process; it becomes apparent that; contrary to the general trend; the law adheres to a decidedly hierarchical form of contracting; which is in a certain state of tension with the network-like organization it promotes and the use of contracting to realize development-oriented goals. To effectively implement the law's contracting con‐ cept; the authors suggest underpinning it with a more relational approach; a stronger management orientation of the executing entities; and the development of appropri‐ ate network governance concepts.
