Gender and Sexuality | Psychology Department Research Areas | Ateneo de Manila University


Submissions from 2021


Towards an Embodied Political Ecology of Fat Masculinities, Nico A. Canoy


Courage Required: LGBTQ Leadership Research in Multifaceted Realities, Emerald Jay D. Ilac


Women on top: the career development journey of Filipina business executives in the Philippines, Enrico C. Osi and Mendiola Teng-Calleja

Submissions from 2020


Queering public leadership: The case of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender leaders in the Philippines, Emerald Jay D. Ilac, Lance Calvin L. Gamboa, Athena May Jean M. Carangan, and Julia Izah S. Agida

Submissions from 2019


Transgender persons' HIV care (dis)engagement: a qualitative evidence synthesis protocol from an ecological systems theory perspective, Nico Canoy, Subash Thapa, and Karin Hannes


Putting the “where” in HIV care: Unpacking narratives of antiretroviral therapy adherence among HIV-Positive men who have sex with men, Augil Marie Q. Robles and Nico A. Canoy

Submissions from 2018


Identity Formation of Filipino Burlesque Performers: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Ma. Regina Hechanova, Rhea Celestine Chong, Erika Anne delos Reyes, and Paula Camille Rivera

Submissions from 2016


Falling into poverty: the intersectionality of meanings of HIV among overseas Filipino workers and their families, Nico A. Canoy and Mira Alexis P. Ofreneo


Struggling to care: A discursive-material analysis of negotiating agency among HIV-positive MSM, Nico A. Canoy and Mira Alexis P. Ofreneo

Submissions from 2015


‘Intimacy is not free of charge’: An intersectional analysis of cultural and classed discourses of intimacy among gay and transgender identities, Nico A. Canoy


Pambubugbog at Bugbugan sa Gitna ng Kahirapan: A Discursive and Structural Analysis of Domestic Violence, Nico A. Canoy, Mira Alexis P. Ofreneo, and Judith M. de Guzman