Electronics, Computer, and Communications Engineering | School of Science and Engineering Theses and Dissertations | Ateneo de Manila University


Theses/Dissertations from 2021

Automated Data Processing and Analysis of Rain Acoustic Sensor Data, Danilyn Joy Aquino

A Netlogo Simulation of Behavior-Based and Random Walk (BRW) Method to Solve Area-Coverage Problem, Christelle Bonghanoy

Monitoring of the Semiconductor Wirebond Ultrasonic Signal for Prediction of Corresponding Electrical Test Result, Reymart Rio Haldos

Design of an Interface Test Adapter for Sequential Testing of Transient Voltage Suppressor Diodes to Reduce Test Cycle Time, Francis Malabanan

Tinyml Monitoring Techniques for A-Vent: An Iot Edge for Tracking Clinical Risk Outcomes and Automatic Detection of Patient-Ventilator Asynchrony, Paul Ryan Santiago

Development of a 9-Channel Temperature Profiling System using Arduino Mega 2560 with Linear Regression Analysis, Irvin Yaun

Theses/Dissertations from 2020

Scheduling in multi-Wavelength Ring-based Optical Networks-on-Chips, Mohammad Nizhar Acmad

Implementation of Image Processing and Machine Learning in High Resolution Aerial Image Datasets for Lake Resource Usage, Aquaculture, and Coastal Community, Mark Daniel Belarmino

Lung Sound Classification using Enhanced MFCC, Histogram, and Data Mining, Wally Enrico Ingco

Design and Demonstration of a Mobile Cloud System for Smart Transportation Use Case, John Paul Mamaradlo

Design and Demonstration of a Near Cloud System for Digital Education and Disaster Resiliency, Neil Angelo Mercado

Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition System for Assistive Driving, Adonis Santos

Water Consumption Monitoring System with Fixture Recognition, James Adrian Somontina

Theses/Dissertations from 2019

Photovoltaic System Performance Model for Output Power Forecasting, Aaron Keith Chan

Optimization of an Automated Arduino-based Dynamic Spray Pyrolysis System, Dawn Christine Corpuz

Precision Agriculture through Nutrient Correction for Sustainable Development suing Wireless Sensor Network, Kristoffer Flores

Non-Invasive Diabetes Detection Using Facial Texture Features Captured in a Less Restrictive Environment, Christina Garcia

Comparison of Re-trained CNN Models from Pytorch , Keras, and Tensorflow Frameworks for Image Waste Classification, Justin Oliver Lim

Implementation of Home Automation System Using OPENHAB Framework for Heterogeneous IOT Devices, Raymark Parocha