"User-centered Approach to Developing Solutions for Electronic Medical " by Viktor Mikhael Dela Cruz, Christian Pulmano et al.

User-centered Approach to Developing Solutions for Electronic Medical Records: Extending EMR Data Entry

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The rapid advancement of technology presents the opportunity to digitize practice management. With a doctor to patient ratio of 1:33,000, digitizing health records in the Philippines is seen as one solution in providing more efficient health care services. With the deployment of EMRs in the Philippines at its infancy, there is a need to initiate studies on feasibility, usability and user perception. This paper reports findings on usability of EMRs in a developing economy. Specifically, a system usability scale (SUS) was used to assess the usability of an EMR and interviews were conducted to acquire user feedback. Results of the survey indicated an overall mean SUS score of 70.76 with age and confidence in technology being key deciding factors. Further observations and future research to streamline the heavy task of encoding on an EMR during patient-physician consultation are explained.
