"The Acceptance of Mobile Games to Improve Filipino and English Vocabul" by May Marie P. Talandron-Felipe and Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo

The Acceptance of Mobile Games to Improve Filipino and English Vocabulary among Children from Urban and Rural Areas

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 National Report of the Philippines showed that students from the southern part of the country with a mother tongue other than English or Filipino had lower proficiency levels in reading than students from the National Capital Region. It was also reported that students residing in urban communities outperformed those from rural areas. This paper first investigates the attitude and perception towards Filipino and English among elementary students from urban and rural areas in the southern region of the Philippines who are non-native speakers of Filipino and English. Then they were introduced to mobile-assisted language learning through the Ibigkas! educational mobile games which were developed to help improve the students’ Filipino and English vocabulary. Results showed that there are differences in the perception and usage of Filipino and English between the groups and these are consistent for both languages. With regards to theIbigkas! games; the positive feedback of the students in terms of the game-based learning engagement and intrinsic motivation inventory as well as some learning gains from their first time playing them are regarded as indications of acceptance and the promising potential of the said mobile games.
