"Gender Perspectives in Contemporary Eco-theology" by Metti Amirtham


Metti Amirtham


Despite several decades of research and education programs, humanity continues to deplete natural resources and pollute the ecosystem of the planet at an alarming rate. Given the widespread secular engagement with environmental issues, i am conscious of the crucial need for Christian theologians to take on board the scale and extent of the development of eco-theology right across the globe from within their own traditions. in this process of brewing theology, gender perspectives play a vital role, because, gender is an integral component of every aspect of the lives of individuals and societies. Moreover, there are important connections between the domination and oppression of women and the domination and exploitation of nature. in the first part of this paper, keeping in mind several environmental issues, i underscore the impacts of ecological deterioration on poor women and their interconnectedness with nature. Besides, the role of women as key environmental managers and actors in ecological disasters will also be explored here. And in the second part, being conscious of the present state of ecology, which creates new contexts and challenges for the church, i attempt to trace theological trends from enlightened women around the globe, leading to further reflection and praxis.
