Publication Ethics Statement | Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture | Ateneo Journals | Ateneo de Manila University

Publication Ethics Statement

The publishers, editors, reviewers, and authors of the Ateneo de Manila University journals are committed to upholding high standards of quality and academic integrity to this end:

We exert our best effort in checking submissions using available tools; main articles are subjected to double blind peer review; editors continue to build a wide base of peer reviewers and endeavor to give authors feedback/result of peer review in a timely manner; interview transcripts are given to interviewees prior to publication to allow for corrections; authorship credits are based on substantial contributions to the manuscript which include: planning, conducting and concluding the research; drafting and revising majority of the article; and finalizing the version to be published; to discourage/avoid plagiarism, authors are required, upon acceptance of their article, to sign the Consent to Publish and Transfer of copyright form, in which the author attests that he or she is the author of the article about to be published by the journal;

In case of publication fraud, discovered either prior to or after publication, the editors are committed to confronting the author with/informing the author of the discovery, reporting the fraud to the institution to which the author is affiliated, and informing the wronged party (following the Committee on Publication Ethics or COPE decision tree). Should the plagiarism/fraud be discovered after publication, the journal shall publish a retraction;

All relevant cases shall be handled according to the University Code of Ethics in Research and the Code of Academic Integrity of the Loyola Schools and changes in editorial policies or structure are agreed upon by the board and communicated accordingly to all stakeholders.