Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Lived Experiences of Adolescent Siblings of Individuals with Autism

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology, Concentration in Counseling Psychology (Thesis Program)



First Advisor

Karina G. Fernandez, PhD


Autism is characterized by limited social communication and understanding, which not only affects the individual but also their family as they have to provide extra care. This study aimed to look at the effects of having a sibling in the family from the eyes of a Filipino adolescent through an interpretative phenomenological lens. The study included seven adolescent participants ranging from 13-19 years old with one sibling with autism, living together in a two parent household. Semi- structured interviews were conducted through the web-based application Zoom lasting between 30-45 minutes. There were 4 themes and 12 subthemes that arose from the findings. Ranging from the challenges the condition brought about to considerations for the future. Finally a unique finding is the fact that the adolescents are looking for and sees the benefit of having some kind of peer or professional support. In the future, including siblings in the therapy of the child with autism can greatly benefit the sibling relationship as well as equip the adolescents with more information regarding what they can do with and for their sibling.

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