"美殖时期大马尼拉的流行病防治及对菲华医学的影响" by 慧 彭 and 子杨 黄


自美国人占领马尼拉后,针对当地流行病泛滥的现象,按照其“现代化菲律宾”的目标,对其医学系统进行了较为彻底的改革,建立起体系化的西式防治措施与机制。在此背景下,已从西班牙时期开始的华人医学亦深受影响,在郑汉淇等医生的示范作用下,通过菲华善举公所崇仁医院的升级、菲华西医学会的建立,当地华人医学开始由中医主导逐渐发展成为中西医相结合,形成了颇具特色的菲华医学文化,崇仁医院等华人医院也成为当地著名医院。 EDITORIAL NOTE: Translated in English as “Health Care in Metropolitan Manila During the American Colonial Era: A History of the Management of Infectious Diseases and Its Effects on the Practice of Chinese Medicine.” Social Transformations Journal of the Global South publishes bilingual versions of selected submissions to engage with the thinking in, on, and from the Global South by way of the languages of its constituencies.
